All Time Records for all types of Plushy Sports
You can find all scores ever made in the different types of plushy sports.
In here you can find all scores for the Plüschballmeisterschaft, which is International Soccer on the C-64 and has the rules of a world championship.
This link shows all scores from the Plushies Golf Tour, which is PGA Tour 2k24 on PC.
These are the scores for the Plushies Meadows Open, which is Grand Courts on AMIGA.
In here are the scores for the Summer Plush Olympics (Sommerplüschlympics in German) takes place on the C-64 with Summer Games.
These are the scores for the Winter Plush Olympics (Winterülüschlympics in German) is Winter Games on the C-64.
You can find information about each player in here.